Cooper at work

Brittany rises

Brittany. Celtic redoubt, dolmens and menhirs, a land of buckwheat galettes and medieval towns, cobbles and harps, bagpipes…

Loch Lomond: Alexandrian alchemy at work

Michael Henry opens the door and we enter a stillhouse unlike any other. There’s swan-necked pots in the…

New make, bottled

A proper proper whisky: Rosebank Reborn

The story of Scotch is cyclical. It is one of success, miss-steps, triumph and no lack of hubris.…


Port Ellen: a phoenix rises

I Islay. Out there, the geese are flying north. Hundreds of them, black against the yellow and blue…

Linetio eggs

Egg-sperimental whisky: Maison Lineti

Hello strangers. It seems appropriate at Easter to break from a disgracefully long – book induced – absence…


New Zealand Tour 6: Auld & NZWC

What was intended to be a hot off the plane, quick review of my New Zealand tour has,…


New Zealand Tour 5: Scapegrace & Cardrona

Michael and I head out at 6am under a full moon. Dawn creeps, orange and scarlet, blues and…

Reefton Distilling Co

New Zealand Tour 4: Reefton

After a tour of the North Island’s distilleries, I headed back south… then west … The flight from…


New Zealand Tour 3: Pōkeno

DAY 3 Pōkeno Today was on a slow southward trajectory out of Auckland with Aaron Savage, Irish bartender…

New Zealand Tour 2: Thomson & 1919

Day 2 The chilled atmosphere of Waiheke [see previous post] gave way to a day navigating Auckland’s sprawl.…