I’m Scottish. We don’t like talking about ourselves, so here’s a quick run-through.

Born and educated in in Glasgow – degree in English from Stirling University – 7 years in Oddbins – wrote about jazz/leftfield music – pub landlord in Bristol – 7 years as features editor Off Licence News – cellar rat in Australian winery (Cullen) – freelance writer specialising in spirits since 1995 – contributing editor Whisky Mag (til 201X) – chief engineer scotchwhisky.com

A bunch of books

Some TV and two films: Cuba In A Bottle (co-writer);  Amber Light

Some awards over the years, for which thank you

These days? Talking, training, creating and still writing and filming about all spirits

And this … a repository for thoughts short and long about whisky mostly, but not exclusively.

For more on the why you might want to start here
